
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

The good Shepherd

1.        The shepherd walks with his hundred sheep beside the river, but he loses one of them. The shepherd leaves his ninety nine in there, and he goes after that which is lost, until he finds it.
The shepherd                                      : come unto me, all of you who are tired, I’ll give you rest.
Sheep                                                      : Lord, you always make me to lie down in green pastures; even you lead me beside the still water.
The shepherd                                      : [smile] don’t worry my child, as long as you live with me, I will keep you in perfect peace.
Sheep                                                      : thank you Lord for keeping me. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear for you are with me.
The shepherd                                      : don’t be afraid my child. I will keep you as my child. 

1.       The youngest sheep decides to go to take a journey alone. He is too young, so he doesn’t know how dangerous the world is. On the way, he meets a wolf.
Wolf                                                        : [looks at the sheep, thinks that he get a prey]
Young sheep                                        : [smile with the wolf] hi..
Wolf                                                        : hi, what are you doing here?
Young sheep                                        : you know, I run away from my shepherd. I am bored with my life, I want to live alone.
Wolf                                                        : wow, that’s great! I agree with you. We have a freedom; we can choose everything we like. Hey, I think you should be my leader.
Young sheep                                        : are you serious? I am too young to be a leader.
Wolf                                                        : no, you have a lot of great idea. You are genius. Come on, follow me.
Young sheep                                        : really? Oh my God, I know this is my destiny. I find my destiny.
Wolf                                                        : yeah. You are the leader of my tribe. Let’s go!

1.       They arrive at wolf’s area. The young sheep is really surprised with what he sees.
Young sheep                                        : [see the other wolfs eat] what they are doing? They eat an animal?
Wolf                                                        : yeah.
Young sheep                                        : it means that you hurt other animals?
Wolf                                                        : of course, if you want to survive.
Young sheep                                        : why you don’t eat grass? You shouldn’t hurt our friends.
Wolf                                                        : [smile] it’s for stupid boy like you.
Young sheep                                        : what do you mean?
Wolf                                                        : just prepare yourself for my dinner.
Young sheep                                        : no, you lie. You said that I would be the leader. [Trying to escape]

1.      Suddenly, they hear a roaring lion that walk about, seeking whom he may devour. The wolf runs away without thinking about the sheep. He leaves the sheep alone.
Young sheep                                        : [afraid and crying] my Lord, where are you? I need you Lord.
Suddenly he hears a voice, he knows the voice. It’s the voice of the shepherd. He isn’t afraid anymore because he knows that his shepherd will kill the lion for saving him. He walks closer to the voice and he sees that the shepherd conquers the lion. Finally, the shepherd finds him and lays him on his shoulders, then rejoicing.
Young sheep                                        : [crying, aware of his sin] Lord, forgive me for leaving you. I know I can’t do this on my own. Forgive me, Lord. I need you, my shepherd.
The shepherd                                      : don’t worry, my child. I am a good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep, and I lay down my life for the sheep.
Young sheep                                        : thank you, Lord. Thank you.
When the shepherd come home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying unto him, rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost.

References:  The Holy Bible

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